Monday, June 18, 2012


Funny name, Kamloops. Funny animal, the moose. Check this out.

 So, we have moved on up through the Jasper National Park, and stopped at Hinton, Grande Prairie, Fort Nelson, and have just arrived in Watson Lake. We have put on about 1400 miles since Vancouver, and the strain is starting to show.

It feels like we have been riding through the same forest of pine trees for days. Actually, we have, but there are lots of aspens and firs in there as well. Anyway, its like a green desert if that's not a contradiction in terms. There is a hell of a lot of bugger all except trees. Ok, the occasional lake, and a few mountains here and there. Worried about the destruction of the Amazon rain forest? Well forget it, there are squiilions of trees up here, and we're not even in Alaska yet.

We have gotten rained on regularly, and just spend the day riding with all the wet gear on, rather than even bothering to take it off. What scares me is that the locals are all walking around in shorts and tshirts because its Summer. Excuse me, but I reckon its a cold as a witch's tit, and I'm wearing everything I've got. I have noted that Canadians are not bothered by a bit of rain. They just get out there and get on with it, be it work or play. I guess if its not 40 below and snowing, there's nothing stopping you, so what the hell am I bitching for. Fair enough.

There are lots of other bikers heading the same way, here's a few random shots.

The other weird thing up here is that people just seem to rock into the motels at all hours. The fact that its still broad daylight at 10 pm, and you can still see whats happening at 11 pm, seems to confuse most people. And I'm very easily confused in any case. But I couldn't ride or drive for 18 hours a day, just because I can see.

On the animal log, just today I saw 6 mooses, including a cow with a calf, 5 bears, a herd of buffalos, a flock of geese and had a caribou run across the road in front of me. And did I mention I got wet? Not as wet as Roger though. He squirts water out the top of his boots when he walks. Here we are at the start of the Alaska Highway in Dawson Creek, and it was fairly bucketing down. Too wet to even pose for the photo. We started wet, and it just got wetter.

Latest news is that a section of the Highway which we will reach in 2 days time is closed due to flood damage, so we are not sure how that will affect us at this stage.

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